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quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

You Can´t Find Peace

My eyes still didn´t close. My throat tends to dry when I try to speak... But there's nothing you can do ...All I had to do, is done. It may not have experienced what I wanted to live. Maybe you haven´t been what you wanted to be... But there is nothing you can do.I left my sorrow behind... I realized that I can loosen them. But you see everything upside down. And you still waiting for my forgiveness.I don´t feel hurt or lost. I don´t miss any vivacity. Here, I have nothing to lose even the pretend. I don´t feel nothing but pride and happiness.Now I can see some light. I see a light in darkness. Please, believe me. My best friend is not alone.No more spills your tears. I have nothing to hide. It was the best ever made. I've never had anything to lose.
By Hayley

1 comentário:

Marge * disse...

um sincero obrigada :) segue por favor querida :p